Monday, February 23, 2015

We have our land!!

After much stressing and looking around at different estates, we finally found a block that we fell in love with AND met all of our needs!

For the past 6 months we have been completely in love with a particular house.  This house is wide, but short, allowing a largish backyard - as the most disappointing thing is how small blocks are in new estates these days. 

We were determined to find a 17 or 18m wide block, 32 deep so we could build our dream home. Ideally we wanted a 18m wide block so that in years to come we can add a carport to the side (we have 3 girls who will eventually grow in to 3 girls who drive!). 

Our search paid off a few months ago when a couple wanted to pull out of the block they had purchased over 18 months ago, but was only due to title in March 2015. In order to remove themselves from the contract of sale, they had to "nominate" a new purchaser, and they were not allowed to sell it for any more than what they initially agreed to paid (developer guidelines). 

So we quickly agreed to take over their contract of sale, and to be the nominated purchaser upon title. Nothing ever happens quickly when Conveyancers,  Lawyers and Money Men are involved, but 6 weeks after agreeing, we have just signed the contract, paid our deposit and now wait for our land to title in about 4 weeks!

Looking across our block
I never thought I would love a patch of dirt this much!