Friday, May 29, 2015

Nothing is ever easy.....

So we knew that we had to relocate our crossover, and planned to do this after handover so it stays looking all clean etc. We have spoken to council, got the approval that this will be ok. Went out to the block today and Barwon Water have installed the taps - right in the middle of where the crossover is to go!

Speak to Barwon Water, get on to an approved plumber, who says to move it the distance we need (1.5m) will be about $2000! I nearly died. At this point I can just see the dollar signs racking up....and up....and up......

After some further discussion, marking out where we wanted them and pleading, the plumber agreed to move the taps the distance required for the price of moving them 1m - $350. Bullet Dodged!

So we are all happy, get the taps moved, email it all off to the builder and developer and the next day the developer puts a tree in our nature strip - right where the relocated crossover is going to go!!! Beginning to feel like the forces are against us. Hubby has decided to leave the tree for now, and when we need to move the crossover, we will relocate the tree at the same time.

So you would think that is the end of the drama - you'd be wrong!  We go out today and the nature strip has tyre tracks over a FOOT deep. The block next to us has had their site scrape, and for some stupid reason the excavator has decided to drive OVER our nature strip to access the block instead of using the crossover. Thats fine - but no attempt to fix what they have done - they have just driven off.  I will be contacted Dennis Family Homes on Monday to complain...loudly.

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